Thursday, August 1, 2013

Diverse Discussion

      ENGL 3301 has definitely turned out to be much more interactive than I thought it would be. At first, I had assumed that it would be just like my ENGL 1111 course where painful silences kept us all hoping for the hour to end. The fact that our class is composed by future accountants, business people, engineers, politicians and social workers allows the class to moves forward in ways I would have initially judged to be yet another exhausting class with no character.
       Looking at our group from a Macro level, or from the outside, we have individuals whose ways of thinking are distinctly unalike. The diversity in points of views allows for proper and intelligent discussions among young adults that are somewhat aware of their roles in the future communities they are going to be parts of. In a way, we are all ambassadors of our future fields since our university career is training us to acquire the way of thinking the field's discourse community necessitates.
       From a microscopic level, the presentations we have done in these past two weeks have resulted in the unlikely collaboration of different fields and personalities for the creation of inclusive academic outcomes. I find it particularly interesting how a Computer Engineering student and a Business student can sit down and create a 250-word document on how their fields work together in our modern society. Alongside, how an International Affairs major can adopt the rules of engineering into creating laws for the sake of human health and water potability.
      The result of these collaborations represent the inter-disciplinary capabilities our group offers to manifest our identities through dialogue. As a result, we are conducting the behaviors of our fields as we negotiate with others about how they should be expressed on paper so that others can fully comprehend their complexities in a simple manner. What we have collectively allowed to happen is fascinating since it represents the system we will all engage in in the future post-Northeastern in which our disciplines depend upon each other to succeed in regards to projects or other collaborations.
      Furthermore, as these presentations are being exposed to one another, the points of views are particularly interesting as they are expressed through questioning and comments. As our majors come together in the four walls our class is held in, we are creating a common identity that is fabricated with polar opposite ways of thinking united by homogeneity of our assignments as they are expressed and analyzed in multiple ways.

      Lastly, I cannot help but interpreting this as an International Affairs major in this class surrounded by other fields that are individually aware of their capabilities yet compliment each other in ways that are hidden behind the lines of our collaborations. What this means is that our works are complimenting each other without even realizing it due to the social norms of the classroom unifying the wide range of thoughts we take part in. Therefore, we are representing society's way of functioning as a simple paper includes the methodology of individuals that are trained to think differently from each other to create the product that with benefit us all equally.


  1. I completely agree with everything you have said, well everything I can relate to anyways haha. Its so interesting to experience how non-CJ people see things. Even the fact that you used the concepts "macro" and "micro" just in writing this blog is a whole different way of writing than what I am used to doing and seeing.

  2. I completely agree -- it's interesting to see the different disciplines that the students are engaged in, and how that manifests in not only their writing but also in the questions and comments that are made. Our class does have a common identity, and it is because of our differences. I love the way you phrased it and tied it in with looking at our class from both a micro and macro perspectives. It really is interesting to see how all our different areas of interest and study can come together to create an extremely inclusive outcome.

  3. Very interesting (and true) observations about our class. It is very cool that so many different people can come together to have such pointed and deep discussions. I think Charlie has done a great job of pushing everyone to contribute and leading the discussions in a such a way that it is easy for each member to come up with something material to contribute. Overall, its definitely a breath of fresh air compared to other classes and especially other english classes.
